Offended by the following...
minichaos : "Oh for god's sake don't ruin someone's hobby >_>"
Ok i'm just creating this thread cause i want to lose some steam >_>
Basically its about the dollfie collecting hobby.....
Basically nowadays more and more dollfie owners are popping up.....
Ok you all might think its ok...but the thing is....THE NEWER OWNERS ARE IRRITATING!!!!!!!!
First they don't know a thing about dollfies and how to maintain them!
I see nowadays most dollfie owners run around with their dolls...Ok i do that too but i keep them in a carrier/bag to protect them from the sunlight as it will yellow the doll faster.....
The newer owners love to bring their boys out alot >_> Not like i don't but i don't bring them everywhere!
They get their dollfies from Alice/AA batch order (I have nothing against Alice...I really think she is just doing her job)
True i got my first boy from her too, But the only reason was to get experience owning a dollfie before i get those from Luts~
The newer owners can't take proper pics!(Ok only some) And they love to flood the dollfie gallery threads with their pics! It gets annoying after awhile (Even i don't do that) One doll owner told me this before and its, '' If you can afford a dollfie, you can afford a better camera'' Thats what i wish to tell them!
Whats more i really pity the dolls as their owners don't know how to take good care of them!
And whats more there are like 'duplicates' running around (Most of them look the same as they are from the same company)
The newer owners are also abit dumb cause they deceide to get the new dolls sold in Alice....They cause like what....$500+? Luts dolls cost like $700-$800....WOULD IT KILL YA TO SAVE UP FOR MUCH BETTER LOOKING DOLLS!
Also with the 'duplicates' running around....Its super annoying and its like you see them EVERYWHERE!!!!!!
Sure they have different faceups,clothing,wigs, etc....But still THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME!!!
I think there are more then 20 AA owners i know so far >_>
At least for Luts there are some of the models in singapore but at least its much more better quality!
Well....My first boy...AA San....i got him 6mths ago...He has yellowed like in obvious yellow!
I got a head which was purchased around 2005 and its hasn't even yellowed much! That head is a Luts head....
If you think i'm mean and biased be that way...But don't you think it would be better to save up from something that can last longer?
This has nothing to do with the new owners who got Luts dolls or other companies >< *note: Flames would be used to heat my food ^^V And if you want to flame me take it to the PMs~
minichaos : "Oh for god's sake don't ruin someone's hobby >_>"
Ok i'm just creating this thread cause i want to lose some steam >_>
Basically its about the dollfie collecting hobby.....
Basically nowadays more and more dollfie owners are popping up.....
Ok you all might think its ok...but the thing is....THE NEWER OWNERS ARE IRRITATING!!!!!!!!
First they don't know a thing about dollfies and how to maintain them!
I see nowadays most dollfie owners run around with their dolls...Ok i do that too but i keep them in a carrier/bag to protect them from the sunlight as it will yellow the doll faster.....
The newer owners love to bring their boys out alot >_> Not like i don't but i don't bring them everywhere!
They get their dollfies from Alice/AA batch order (I have nothing against Alice...I really think she is just doing her job)
True i got my first boy from her too, But the only reason was to get experience owning a dollfie before i get those from Luts~
The newer owners can't take proper pics!(Ok only some) And they love to flood the dollfie gallery threads with their pics! It gets annoying after awhile (Even i don't do that) One doll owner told me this before and its, '' If you can afford a dollfie, you can afford a better camera'' Thats what i wish to tell them!
Whats more i really pity the dolls as their owners don't know how to take good care of them!
And whats more there are like 'duplicates' running around (Most of them look the same as they are from the same company)
The newer owners are also abit dumb cause they deceide to get the new dolls sold in Alice....They cause like what....$500+? Luts dolls cost like $700-$800....WOULD IT KILL YA TO SAVE UP FOR MUCH BETTER LOOKING DOLLS!
Also with the 'duplicates' running around....Its super annoying and its like you see them EVERYWHERE!!!!!!
Sure they have different faceups,clothing,wigs, etc....But still THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME!!!
I think there are more then 20 AA owners i know so far >_>
At least for Luts there are some of the models in singapore but at least its much more better quality!
Well....My first boy...AA San....i got him 6mths ago...He has yellowed like in obvious yellow!
I got a head which was purchased around 2005 and its hasn't even yellowed much! That head is a Luts head....
If you think i'm mean and biased be that way...But don't you think it would be better to save up from something that can last longer?
This has nothing to do with the new owners who got Luts dolls or other companies >< *note: Flames would be used to heat my food ^^V And if you want to flame me take it to the PMs~
AlvinZ's response...
First of all, I'm a newbie, I admit... Yuriko is not even one month old...
The BJDs are slowly gaining acceptance and popularity from the public in Singapore. It is something we should be happy and welcome new owners of dollfies... Everyone needs to start from somewhere... What is wrong with getting the doll first and learn the art of BJDs along the way? I got to say I hate to read wall of texts... So my approach of learning is to get a doll first and learn along the way. And yes, I think I learn better this way (I'm a very practical person). Is that wrong?
Experienced owners should be guiding the newbies and not to put them down. Since photography is being pulled into the discussion, there's one photography forum out there that is not very newbie friendly forum. The "old birds" only have the "read the freaking manual" attitude towards the newbies... Am I seeing the same thing here? That's sad.
If only owning an expensive doll shows that you are a true doll owner while those dolls in the relatively cheaper range are trash, then you're too materialistic. It is the same as saying only a DSLR can take good pic while consumer cameras and hp cameras are trashes... Ok, I'm a DSLR user, but I started from a humble begining from a small consumer camera, to a prosumer, finally a DSLR user and I am still using my compact camera (Yes, I'm having a Canon IXUS 70 like you do). As for why at times I choose to use DSLR is the same as why some prefers manual cars than auto cars - more control. I see many doll owners using compact cameras can take much better pictures than I do. Hence, this shows that the camera is not the only factor. Likewise, having an expensive doll does not equate to being a more superior doll owner. Having a relatively cheaper doll doesn't meant being inferior either.
Another thing is that this is NOT a photography forum. The gallery is a place where we share our pictures, not for critics of the photography techniques, compositions, lightings, exposure, editing etc... This sentence has no meaning at all: ''If you can afford a dollfie, you can afford a better camera''
It is also natural for new owners to be excited about their new boy/girl that they tend to "spam" alot of pictures. But it the admin/moderator didn't make any warning, I guess it's all right.
As for how each owner treats their dolls are totally their business. It is like how parents want to bring up their kids. Just that you can't charge the parents for "abusing" their kids. Whether or not the owner likes to carry their dolls around in the public is purely up to themselves. While you can advice them that the sunlight will cause the dolls to turn yellow, you can't force them to comply.
While you can "lose some steam", please bear in mind to use your words carefully. I am quite offended by some of the words you use, in particular "*note: Flames would be used to heat my food ^^V And if you want to flame me take it to the PMs~"... This shows arrogance....
First of all, I'm a newbie, I admit... Yuriko is not even one month old...
The BJDs are slowly gaining acceptance and popularity from the public in Singapore. It is something we should be happy and welcome new owners of dollfies... Everyone needs to start from somewhere... What is wrong with getting the doll first and learn the art of BJDs along the way? I got to say I hate to read wall of texts... So my approach of learning is to get a doll first and learn along the way. And yes, I think I learn better this way (I'm a very practical person). Is that wrong?
Experienced owners should be guiding the newbies and not to put them down. Since photography is being pulled into the discussion, there's one photography forum out there that is not very newbie friendly forum. The "old birds" only have the "read the freaking manual" attitude towards the newbies... Am I seeing the same thing here? That's sad.
If only owning an expensive doll shows that you are a true doll owner while those dolls in the relatively cheaper range are trash, then you're too materialistic. It is the same as saying only a DSLR can take good pic while consumer cameras and hp cameras are trashes... Ok, I'm a DSLR user, but I started from a humble begining from a small consumer camera, to a prosumer, finally a DSLR user and I am still using my compact camera (Yes, I'm having a Canon IXUS 70 like you do). As for why at times I choose to use DSLR is the same as why some prefers manual cars than auto cars - more control. I see many doll owners using compact cameras can take much better pictures than I do. Hence, this shows that the camera is not the only factor. Likewise, having an expensive doll does not equate to being a more superior doll owner. Having a relatively cheaper doll doesn't meant being inferior either.
Another thing is that this is NOT a photography forum. The gallery is a place where we share our pictures, not for critics of the photography techniques, compositions, lightings, exposure, editing etc... This sentence has no meaning at all: ''If you can afford a dollfie, you can afford a better camera''
It is also natural for new owners to be excited about their new boy/girl that they tend to "spam" alot of pictures. But it the admin/moderator didn't make any warning, I guess it's all right.
As for how each owner treats their dolls are totally their business. It is like how parents want to bring up their kids. Just that you can't charge the parents for "abusing" their kids. Whether or not the owner likes to carry their dolls around in the public is purely up to themselves. While you can advice them that the sunlight will cause the dolls to turn yellow, you can't force them to comply.
While you can "lose some steam", please bear in mind to use your words carefully. I am quite offended by some of the words you use, in particular "*note: Flames would be used to heat my food ^^V And if you want to flame me take it to the PMs~"... This shows arrogance....
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